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Lab Report Week 6

Streamlining ssh Configuration

When using ssh, we usually use ssh cse15lwi22*** , which required a lot of typing and remembering your username. The ultimate goal for us to configure ssh this time is so what we can login into the server with just ssh ieng6. So that’s get started!

  1. Locate your .ssh folder that contain your ssh keys. folder. There you will create an config file. (litearlly just name it config, no extension what so ever).

  2. Now open the config file with text editor, then input these commands

Host ieng6
    User cs15lwi22zzz (use your username)


Then save the file.

  1. now try to connect to the server using just ssh ieng6, you should be able to log in right away. d

Congrate, you just make your remote connection a lot faster than having to type in full username.

You can also scp file in the remote server extremely fast now with ssh configurated.

By just simply using scp (filename) ieng6:~/, you can easily upload the file into the remote server.